Asian Works of Art, Classic Works of Art & Antiques, 20th Century Collection, Line Vautrin, Emile Gallé, Majorelle, Gustave Serrurier-Bovy, Demeter Chiparus
Saturday 22 June 2024, 09:00 CEST (+0200)
Browse unsold items
To the unsold items listCéline LEPAGE (1882-1928) "Veiled woman from Marrakech" White cracked glaze ceramic on a beige base, circa 1920-25.
Edmond ETLING (1878-1940) "Joueuse de Lyre" Statue in moulded and pressed opalescent glass, signed.
Maison Alphonse GIROUX - Blue glass and bronze japanese vase richly decorated with bronze and silver flowers and insects, signed.
Émile GALLÉ (1846-1904) Mushroom lamp in acid-etched multi-layered glass decorated with anemones, signed.
DAUM Nancy - Louis MAJORELLE (1859-1926) Marmorated glass tulip lamp on hammered wrought iron frame, signed.
Max Le VERRIER (1891-1973) "Le challenge" Sculpture in bronze with a green patina on a beige stone base, circa 1937.
Jef LAMBEAU (1852-1908) "The Wrestlers" Bronze sculpture with a greenish-brown patina.
Henri Louis LEVASSEUR (1853-1934) "The Star of the Shepherd" Art Nouveau bronze sculpture.
Auguste CARLI "1868-1930" "L'effort" Terracotta with green patina, signed on the terrace.
François Alphonse PIQUEMAL (1869-1911) "Houdon Carnaval" Bronze with brown patina, signed.
Otto PILZ (1876-1934) "Jeune faune chevauchant un bouc" sculpture in bronze with a dark brown patina on a marble base, signed.
A rare Art Nouveau lamp decorated with a heron trimmed with pearls and water lilies in polychrome bronze.
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