Closed sale

Important SONGYE male statue from the TSHOFA region, collected around 1900.

Lot 273 -

Important SONGYE male statue from the TSHOFA region, collected around 1900.

The workshops of the Kalebwe ya Ntambwe produced remarkable works, characterized by several distinctive elements: the choice of wood, its stain, the imposing size of the object, the quality of the craftsmanship of both the sculptor and the blacksmith, as well as the accumulation of signs symbolizing identity, authority and magical power*.

The morphological characteristics of this work are similar to those of figures 126 (RMCA Tervuren) and 127 (Musée ethnographique d'Anvers) in Neyt's "La redoutable statuaire Songye d'Afrique centrale", suggesting that they were probably made by the same artist. This large effigy is distinguished by its large cone-shaped eyes, and by the use of metal all over the face, in the form of copper strips, its large horn inlaid in the head and the large flat feet carved flush with the base. 

*Litt. Francois Neyt "La redoutable statuaire Songye d'Afrique centrale".

Provenance: Alix Maréchal Collection, by descent to the current owner.

Reserved price
6.30 kg
H 850MM X L 360MM
At first glance: good condition
  • Auctioned fee included for €185,600.00


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